There are many different circumstances that could prevent or incumber a person from placing floral adornments on a gravesite in person. Some family members live outside a reasonable traveling distance from the cemetery or don’t often visit the cemetery. Others are infirm or otherwise unable to tend to a gravesite themselves. Because such circumstances exist, Blue Hill Cemetery is pleased to offer floral services in two categories – REMEMBRANCE GARDENS and FLORAL BOUQUETS. Descriptions of those services and the associated costs appear below. Reminder letters for ordering REMEMBRANCE GARDENS are mailed in the spring and fall each year; if you are not currently on the mailing list, please call the cemetery office at 781-843-9000.
Summer Garden
This category of Remembrance Garden is allowed only in the Monument Sections of our cemetery. The garden is planted by our grounds personal and is situated in front of the upright stone monument by our grounds personnel. Subject to supply chain availability and its location within the cemetery, a Summer Garden may consist of different varieties of impatiens and geraniums. The cost of a Summer Garden includes the initial planting, weekly watering, periodic weeding and fertilizing, replacing flowers when necessary, and the removal of the garden in October. Planting of Summer Gardens starts in May and is completed in time for Memorial Day. A soil preparation fee of $5.00 is charged for a first-time garden. The price of a Summer Garden is $52.00 per linear foot of width measured at the base of the upright monument.

Winter Garden
This category of Remembrance Garden is allowed in the Monument and Memorial Park Sections of our cemetery. The garden is placed by our grounds personnel and is situated in front of the upright stone monument in our Monument Sections and in front of the flat bronze marker in our Memorial Park Sections. A Winter Garden consists of a variety of artificial foliage in seasonal colors and boughs of evergreen attractively arranged and secured to a wooden frame that is covered in a natural-looking substrate of artificial moss. Placement of Winter Gardens starts in October and is completed in time for the year-end holidays. Removal of Winter Gardens starts in February and is completed by March 1st. Winter Gardens are approximately 2 ft. wide by 1 ft. deep. The price of a Winter Garden is $90.00

Beginning in early April and continuing through mid-October, we display a large selection of artificial Floral Bouquets at the cemetery office. The Floral Bouquets are designed to be placed in the bronze vase that is attached to a flat bronze marker in our Memorial Park Sections. The standard time frame for having the vase in an upright position is April through October. We require all Floral Bouquets to be removed from the vase and the vase to be inverted no later than November 1st. The price of a Floral Bouquet is $48.00.